Hunter X Hunter OAV
Beginning where the television series left off, Gon and his companions prepare to square off yet again with the infamous Genei Ryodan. As the confrontation proceeds both Gon and Killua get kidnaped by the Ryodan while Kuroro, the leader of the Spiders, becomes ensnared by Kurapica and Leorio. In the end, a great deal is revealed regarding the ultimate nature of the conflict for all parties involved.
Hunter X Hunter: OAV 1 Episodes
- Hunter X Hunter: Greed Island episode 1
- Hunter X Hunter: Greed Island episode 2
- Hunter X Hunter: Greed Island episode 3
- Hunter X Hunter: Greed Island episode 4
- Hunter X Hunter: Greed Island episode 5
- Hunter X Hunter: Greed Island episode 6
- Hunter X Hunter: Greed Island episode 7
- Hunter X Hunter: Greed Island episode 8
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